MusicElvises - This program database of 748 Elvis songs. Start typing the song name to show a list of songs. Tap on the song to view the song info box.
This program requires that you have both the 'BeanDLL.dll' file ** and ** the runtime files for Visual Basic on your PocketPC computer
MusicFiltered - This allows you to explore the folders on your PocketPC that has Mp3 and WMA file branded with the genre from the PocketPC MusicBrander. Tap on the song to create a play list with the start song.
This program requires that you have both the 'BeanDLL.dll' file ** and ** the runtime files for Visual Basic on your PocketPC computer
MusicFingerer - This program searches the storage RAM and storage card for music in MP3/WMA format and creates a finger friendly band based database. You can have multiple pages for the band names. Tap on the band name to start the playlist in WMP.
This program requires that you have both the 'BeanDLL
MusicFMConcerts allows you to enter a city/state name and searches the website for music concerts in the city. Enter the city name and tap the button to view a list of music concerts for the city. Tap on the concert listing to view full screen. This service is provided by Last
MusicFMConcertsGPS uses the GPS on your PocketPC to find your current latitude/longitude and then checks the concert database for local music concerts via GPS. Select 'Start GPS' to get a GPS lock and when you get the lock tap on the button to view local events
MusicFMCountryTopCharts is a database of 174 countries with direct link to the top charts for the country. Select the country and tap on it to view the top charts for it. You can also export the list into Pocket Word. This service is provided by Last
MusicFMGenreSimilar is a database of 88 music genres with a link to related genres database. Select the genre and the program will download the list of similar genres and display them. You can also export the list into Pocket Word. This service is provided by Last
MusicFMGenreTopArtists is a database of 88 music genres with a link to the top artists for the genre. Select the genre and the program will display a list of the top artists for it from the website. This service is provided by Last