TranslatorMicrosofts is a Windows Mobile app which translates text to/from 31 languages with a single tap. Enter or paste the text to translate and select the to/from language. The application will then translate the text and display it in the bottom window. This service is provided by MicrosoftTranslator
AMT automatically translates all your incoming messages (SMS, MMS, and E-Mail) to a target language of your choice. All you need to do is specify for which of the three types of messages you want translation enabled, and select the target language. AMT automatically monitors your Mobile devices' Inbox's for incoming messages
BookTranslatorer allows you to select a large eBook text file (e.g. eBook) and converts from to-from 51 languages and writes it to a new translated text file with the target language as the suffix. This service is provided by the translation server from Google
WordsDefiner - This program allows you to select from 6 dictionary types and enter a word and searches for the word on the with webpage compression service.
This program requires that you have both the 'BeanDLL.dll' file ** and ** the runtime files for Visual Basic on your PocketPC computer
FreeTranslator PocketPC: A free translator similar to Babylon Translator (TM). It translates various languages like Italian, English, French, Danish, Swedish, Finnish, German, Spnish, Russian, Greek, Korean, Japanese, Polish, Dutch, Arabian, Afrikaans, Bulgarian, Czech, Indonesian, Welsh, SerboCroat, Ainu and much more!
Create Mobile Dictionary is a simple and straightforward dictionary application for Windows Mobile devices. It supports many languages, and features a very intuitive interface.
To install Create Mobile Dictionary, download the installation package, and choose the language files you need
WordWordNik allows you to find the definitions of a word you enter or paste from the website. Enter a word and the program will search the website for definitions and place them into a database. You can also export the list into Pocket Word or CSV format. This service is provided by WordNik
WordNetCE - Freeware English Dictionary/Thesaurus with advanced search features, including wildcard, regular expression, anagram, scrabble and sounds like. Complex relationship searches can be made from each available word type for any given search. Results are formatted and colour-coded; all searchable words hyperlinked in results
EmailTranslator allows you to enter/paste text in 51 languages and converts the text to 51 languages on the Translate website and send the message as a text email
TranslatorMicrosoft connects you to the mobile webpage. This is the mobile version of the Microsoft Translator service. Simply tap the button while you are connected to the internet to open Pocket Internet Explorer with the mobile page. This service is provided by Microsoft