Hexadecimal Calculator Hexadecimal Calculator is a hexadecimal calculator with real time simultaneous display of decimal and hexadecimal values. Enter a value in hexadecimal and the value is converted and displayed in the decimal window as the hexadecimal value is entered
Number of Golf Strokes Number of Golf Strokes - Quickly calculate the number of Golf Strokes you get on any given course. If you know the course par, rating & slope this app will easily do the math for you and convert your Handicap Index to the actual number of extra strokes you have on the course
Matrix Calculator Matrix Calculator allows you to store matrices and perform basic calculations on them including addition, subtraction, multiplation, and calculating determinants. I plan on adding features to this app constantly to make it the ultimate resource for anyone who is taking a linear algrbra class or just really likes matricies
Other Software by developer «SANDEEP SHARMA»:
Unbeatable_Tic_Tac_Toc This Tic-Tac-Toe Games having two mode of Play: Single player and Multi Player
Swapping_Puzzle In this three Puzzle of Arranging Number's is Provided. the Order of Difficulty keep Increasing form Level to Level
SMSmania This App is used to send SMS at some Specific Number
M_GIC_M_TRIX M_GIC_M_TRIX - This Game Provide Option to User to Choose a Number from a Matrix of 25 Numbers. and then ask User IF the Number Choosed Exist in the 6 Matirx having 25 Element .Then Finally Tell the User What Number He/She Choosed