Convert 190+ currencies and four precious metals using benchmark OANDA Rates0. Or access OANDA's forex platform trading on 54 currency pairs and 4 metal pairs
Currency Convertr Free - Are you on holidays? Do you buy things from abroad? Do you need to calculate price of goods in a different currency? Then the Currency Converter is the right application for you. Enter the price of your goods and Currency Converter will calculate it in another currency based on the current exchange rate
Currency Converter Free_1 - Are you on holidays? Do you buy things from abroad? Do you need to calculate price of goods in a different currency? Then the Currency Converter is the right application for you. Enter the price of your goods and Currency Converter will calculate it in another currency based on the current exchange rate
My Expense Tracker Free - The application includes easy entry of individual items related to clients/projects, and an assignable Type field allows for sorting in Excel. This application is in sterling, and the tax year starts in April.Check out the Euro and Dollar versions
My Cheque Book - My Cheque Book is the ideal application for you to keep track of your bank account,without having to carry a cheque book around with you. My Cheque Book allows you to record account transactions of any type from your bank account
My Cheque Book_Free - My Cheque Book is the ideal application for you to keep track of your bank account, without having to carry a cheque book around with you. My Cheque Book allows you to record account transactions of any type from your bank account, it also allows you to record money going into your account, making it an extremely powerful mobile banking application