Miscellaneous Pieces - Miscellaneous Pieces by John Bunyan
How a young or shaken Christian should demean himself under the weighty thoughts of the Doctrine of the Trinity or Plurality of Persons in the eternal Godhead
The Faith of Islam - The Faith of Islam by Edward Sell
The following pages embody a study of Islám during a residence of fifteen years in India, the greater part of which time I have been in daily intercourse with Musalmáns. I have given in the footnotes the authorities from which I quote
A Treatise on Good Works - A Treatise on Good Works by Martin Luther
The Occasion of the Work. -- Luther did not impose himself as reformer upon the Church
Light, Life and Love - Light, Life, and Love by William Ralph Inge
TO most English readers the "Imitation of Christ" is the representative of mediaeval German mysticism. In reality, however,
this beautiful little treatise belongs to a period when that movement had nearly spent itself
Sermons to the Natural Man - Sermons to the Natural Man by William G. T. Shedd
It is with a solemn feeling of responsibility that I send forth this volume of Sermons
Selections from the Table Talk of Martin Luther - Selections from the Table Talk of Martin Luther by Martin Luther
Martin Luther died on the 18th of February, 1546, and the first publication of his “Table Talk”—Tischreden—by his friend, Johann Goldschmid (Aurifaber), was in 1566, in a substantial folio
Astral Worship - Astral Worship by J. H. Hill
In an article, entitled "Then and Now," published in the December number, 1890, of "The Arena," its author, a distinguished Unitarian D.D. of Boston, Mass., says
Quiet Talks on Prayer - Quiet Talks on Prayer by S. D. (Samuel Dickey) Gordon
A great sorrow has come into the heart of God. Let it be told only in hushed voice—one of His worlds is a prodigal! Hush your voice yet more—ours is that prodigal world
The Life of Buddha and Its Lessons - The Life of Buddha and Its Lessons by Henry Steel Olcott
The thoughtful student, in scanning the religious history of the race, has one fact continually forced upon his notice, viz