Wellness Diary is a new innovative mobile service which helps you to improve your wellbeing.
Wellbeing is all about balancing daily behaviour; the way we eat, exercise, sleep etc. Wellness Diary helps you to set targets, monitor your daily behavior, learn from it and make changes
Woman Mobile Suite (S60) -
Assistance in Everyday Life at Hand
This software suite includes the Woman Mobile and Diets mobile applications, both designed to assist women in their everyday life and needs
Symb Biorhythms 7650/3650 - Symb Biorhythms is a must have to application for all those who want to be aware of their current psychical, emotional and mental state
Woman Mobile S60 -
Woman Mobile is a medical calendar for the S60 platform designed to assist women in keeping accurate records of their menstrual cycle. It is also a handy assistant when it comes to contraception, family planning and getting control over one's body... and life
Biorhythm for Nokia N series Mobiles - What is Biorhythm? Biorhythm theory says our lives are affected by three primary cycles: Physical, Emotional, and Intellectual. The cycles start at a middle point at birth, and then go up and down from this point at different rates over our lifetimes
Biorhythm - Biorythm calculates your biorhythmic curves. Set your birthday and enter the requested date. The application will present your physical (red), emotional (blue) and intellectual (yellow) biorhythmic curves. These curves represent your physical, emotional and intellectual energy levels
GoGoGadgets Biorhythm - Caculate your physical, emotional and mental "fitness" with GoGoGadgets Bioryhthm. The Results are presented in comprehensible and clear form. In addition to current value the current trend (increasing or decreasing value) is shown.
Please test the demo version to ensure compatibility with your device
Biorhythm Professional-
The Biorhythm Professional helps you to calculate the biorhythmic curves for you and for anybody that you add to the profile list. You can create biorhythm matching, called compatibility view (for example with your partner, family members or friends), where it''s possible to compare two person''s rhythm
RITM-X - The tool for visual analysys of individual cycle system. Determines changes of organism functions activity. Enables to manage and synchronize work of internal systems by optimizing it's activity. Generates the schedule of basic organism functions activity periods. It is also allows 2 person calculation