ActivBits' MatchLog is a multi-sport application for keeping track of individual or team matches, storing match information, and providing vital statistics. You can easily follow players’'/teams’' wins and losses, evaluate strength based on the winning ratio, create ranking based on earned points, and be better prepared for the next matches.
If you are a sport enthusiast, professional player, amateur, coach, sport-fan, or just want to keep track of your matches, that’'s the right application for you!
MatchLog Features
Insert and modify match information
You can add, edit, and delete matches. In each match entry you can store:
- opponent name
- match score
- match time and date
- match result (win/loss/tie)
- number of earned points
- match comments
- event info
View sorted matches
Matches and corresponding scores are displayed on the list. A graphical icon beside each match tells you if a match resulted in a win, loss, or tie. When you scroll through the list of matches the corresponding match date is displayed on the bar. For your convenience you can sort the list based on date, result, or opponent name.
Group matches into profiles
Matches are grouped into profiles that allow you to separate matches to different sport categories or different players / teams (in case of group sports). Typically, in each profile you store information about matches of one player / team. For example, you can create a profile for yourself, where you can store information about matches you played. In a separate profile you can store matches of your favorite team. You can add, edit, and delete profiles.
View ranked profiles
Each profile displayed on the list has automatically calculated total number of points earned in the matches. You can sort profiles based on total number of earned points, thus creating ranked profile list. Also you can sort profiles based on profile name or sport category.
Generate statistics
Statistics are generated automatically for each profile and include the following:
- profile name
- total number of earned points
- winning ratio
- total number of played matches
- number of wins
- number of losses
- number of ties
Export data to text file
MatchLog data can be exported to a text file. You can specify folder and file name in which data should be stored. Exported data can be later sent to your personal computer or other mobile device via SMS, E-mail, IrDA, USB, or Bluetooth.
Customizable view
You can specify the most convenient way to view your data. Items can be viewed in both narrow and wide modes and provide all useful information.
You can use application trial version for 15-day trial period for FREE!
(updates are FREE of charge and preserve your already existing data)
28.02.2006 MatchLog v2.0.0 has been released.
19.02.2006 MatchLog v1.5.0 has been released.
14.02.2006 MatchLog v1.4.0 has been released.
11.02.2006 MatchLog v1.0.0 has been released.