247Baby - Updated with 4 excellent twitter feeds from the the best mother and baby related feeds! PLUS - we have improved the articles and how they look with a Contact Us tab if you wish to ask us a question directly!
247Baby is designed to help you in every area of having a new born baby in the home
AAA Vital Info - AAA Vital Info es:
1. Informacion sobre ti para los servicios de emergencia (nombre, grupo sanguineo, alergias, a quien avisar...).
2. Informacion para ti en caso de emergencia (tu posicion GPS, informacion sobre primeros auxilios...).
3. Seguimiento de tratamientos medicos (registra cuando tomas tu medicacion para no olvidarte de ella)
Aerosound - To revalidate or renew a class 1 pilot license, a hearing test on cockpit noise is mandatory for applicants with hypoacousis in order to qualify their hearing standards*.
Aerosound has been created for pilots to enable them to pass the required medical test for hearing
Affirmations - Positive affirmations to help you start your day, or help you get through the day.
- add any fact to your favorites and rate them (5 star rating system).
- Share via Email, SMS and Facebook.
- View all your favorites in a single list view.
- Smooth and modern UI with animations
AlertaPolen - La aplicacion AlertaPolen le informara de los niveles de polenes en su ciudad o en las localidades proximas donde existan centros de medida. Estos datos son
medidos y proporcionados periodicamente por la red de estaciones del Comite de Aerobiologia de la SEAIC (Sociedad Espanola de Alergologia e Inmunologia Clinica).
Allergy Forecast is an app for people suffering from allergy in USA. It provides the pollen related allergy forecast in the form of a graph. You can see the forecast for the next four days.
Add your area zip code and mark it as "default" to see the forecast. You can add multiple zip codes