VBook VBook is the new Social Network only for Windows Phone 7 users.
Register now, it's free, and will always be free!
Search your friends or new friens by name, mail, city or sex and start to share info, ideas, pictures.
Do not hesitate to ask for friendship: everybody in vBook has a Windows Phone, so is a friend!
Send messages and keep in touch with all the WP7 people
Hatebu Hatebu - Attention : This application is displayed in Japanese.
In Eglish.
"Hatebu (Hatena bookmark)" inspection application that is the social bookmark.
In Japanese
BashTweet BashTweet, le site qui compile les meilleurs top/fail de la Twittosphere !
Music Videos FREE Music Videos FREE - Watch videos of your favorite band directly on your phone.
Search for your favorite artist and save your searches
Klout Viewer Klout Viewer - The application, give information for your Klout score, you must be a register user in www.klout.com (it is free) or introduce the Klout alias for someone you know.
I give also information about the three extra Klout parameters
Path blog Path is the smart journal that helps you share life with the ones you love.
Path Blog here
ANUG ANUG - Aarhus .NET User Group [anug.dk] organizes Microsoft .NET related events in Aarhus, Denmark.
The ANUG app brings you the latest events, blogposts and podcasts (ANUGCast) directly on your phone. Stream podcasts on the go, and check out when the next event occurs. Use the browser to sign up for the events right inside the app
Delicious Dishings Checkout posts from the popular blog Delicious Dishings! This custom RSS feed app will ensure you stay up to date