NineColours NineColours is a helper application for choosing web page colours.
NineColours can also be used as a colour notebook if you are choosing paint or other colour items.
Colours may be mixed by adjusting the colour sliders or by picking a starting colour from a colour palette.
The display shows the colour as a 16 bit colour and as an 8 bit "websafe" colour
Ninelocks Barcode Reader Ninelocks Barcode Reader - enables external devices, such as barcode/mag-stripe readers to be connected to a Palm. Rather than entering your data with a stylus, you can hook up a barcode reader, or any other serial RS232 device and enter the data directly into your Palm application. (Also requires hackmaster from www.daggerware
Neko for PocketPC Neko for PocketPC - Some pointless fun! Neko, a small cat that chases the stylus around the screen. This is a slight variation with a few extra cats!
We can claim no originality for this, a lot of people have been responsible for the code and images within Neko. We have put this out for all the folk out there who have asked for a version
AppLog AppLog is an application logging tool for use on PalmOS PDA's. It has been written to assist researchers studying the use of PDA's.
AppLog records the time any application is used on the PDA. Each log entry notes the time, date and application identifier whenever an application is started, and how long the application is used for
VFSFTP VFSFTP allows files to be transferred via FTP.Copy images from your memory card to a website, download programs from an ftp server to your PDA. Text files can be downloaded to memo's. Memos uploaded as text files
PhotoSave PhotoSave - enables photos to be copied from your camera and then sent by email/FTP. Or you may choose to keep them on the Palm then upload them to a PC when you get back home.
The application also provides additional camera control features to allow adjustment of camera automatic shutdown times and can also be used as a shutter release cable
PixeMail PixeMail - Email PalmPix photos from the Palm. (Also supports using MultMail)