Basic Digital Signal Processing Reference - Wide range of topics that are covered in this essential ready reference tool are
Signals and Systems
Fundamentals of DSP
Time Domain Analysis
Frequency Domain Analysis
Pole-Zero Analysis
Digital Filters
Signals and Systems
Definition, Classification and singular functions are covered under the Signals.
Classification in turn consist of classification based on
Mathematical Continuity [Continuous signal and Discrete signal]
Periodicity [Periodic signal and Aperiodic signal]
Symmetry [Even signal and Odd signal]
Predictability [Deterministic signal and Non Deterministic signal]
Energy Content [Power signal and Energy signal]
and Singular function includes Unit Impulse, Unit Step and Ramp functions.
Definition and Classification are covered under Systems.
Classification of Systems is explained in detail based on
Mathematical Continuity [Continuous and Discrete]
Linearity [Linear and Non Linear]
State [Static and Dynamic]
Predictability [Causal signal and Non Causal signal]
Stability [Stable and Unstable]
Time Invariance [Time variance and Time Invariance]
Fundamentals of DSP
Fundamental concepts such as Time Domain Response, Frequency Domain Response, TD Vs FD, Sampling [Types (Low Pass, Band Pass) along with Aliasing Effects], Quantization [along with Quantization error] are covered under this topic.
Time Domain Analysis
This topic consists of Convolution and Correlation. Convolution consists of details such as Definition, Properties, Types and Equations. Correlation includes Definition and Types of Correlation [Cross and Auto Correlation].
Frequency Domain Analysis
The range of topics such as Fourier Transform [Inverse and Parseval's Theorem], DFT [Definition, Properties and Equations], FFT [Definition, Types (DIT-FFT, DIF-FFT)], IDFT, Fourier Series are covered.
Pole-Zero Analysis
The concepts of Frequency Response, Laplace Transform and Z-Transform are covered in this topic.
Digital Filters
Go through the concepts of Digital filters using this option, that consist of definition and Classification based on impulse response [FIR and IIR]
Basic Signal Processing Concepts are just at your fingertips, click now with Basic Signal Processing Reference.
FIR Filter Design Reference FIR Filter Design Reference - Design FIR filters with required specifications and visualize the frequency plot and time plot. Frequency Plot and Time Plot are displayed with just a click!
Vital Features
Designing a Low Pass Filter, High Pass Filter, Band Pass Filter, Band Stop Filter is just with few clicks.
Various Windowing techniques viz
Electronic Filter design Reference for Pocket PC Electronic Filter design Reference for Pocket PC is the combination of the following 2 individual modules :
FIR Filter Design Reference
IIR Filter Design Reference
Design FIR filters with required specifications and visualize the frequency plot and time plot
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Electronic Filters Reference Electronic Filters Reference covers the following concepts
Filter Fundamentals
Filter Definition
Filter Classification
Active Filters
Passive Filters
Digital Filter
Filter Application
Filter Fundamentals - This covers the basic concepts of filters
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