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New Utilities Software for Motorola Moto Z3 Dual SIM TD-LTE CN 128GB XT1929-15 (Motorola Messi)
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PeaceSoundPeaceSound Android Version: 1.1
Upload date: 27 May 14
Tags: Healthcare & Medicine
PeaceSound - Take some time out for yourself and RELAX and MEDITATE. If you have stress in your life, or simply want some time to relax or meditation, this is the perfect app for you. You can relax and listen to the soothing calming sounds of the ocean waves, calming rainfall, thunderstorm and peaceful birds chirping
BP CalculatorBP Calculator Android Version: 1
Upload date: 27 May 14
Tags: Healthcare & Medicine
BP Calculator - It is a health application. This application is very important and a MUST have application in your android device which measures the blood pressure on the go. "Blood pressure" is the force of blood pushing against the walls of the arteries as the heart pumps blood. If this pressure rises and stays high over time, it can damage the body in many ways
PKS on the movePKS on the move Android Version: 2
Upload date: 23 May 14
Tags: Healthcare & Medicine
PKS on the move - My wife Virginia and I, together with my sister and her husband, dreamt of starting a Foundation that could assist people having Parkinson's and who don't have the same opportunities in care available to them
VitaPulse (demo)VitaPulse (demo) Android Version: 1.4.2
Upload date: 8 May 14
Tags: Healthcare & Medicine
VitaPulse (demo) - VitaPulse: express diagnostics of the human organism state and disease prevention What is «VitaPulse»? App «VitaPulse» is for anyone interested in their own health and care for him
Relax And Sleep SoundsRelax And Sleep Sounds Android Version: 1.0
Upload date: 1 May 14
Tags: Entertainment, Healthcare & Medicine
Relax And Sleep Sounds - Experience a soothing, calming effect by listening to a magnificent collection of nature sounds. No matter if you suffer from insomnia, severe stress or lack of attention - this collection will help you relax and rest and can aid you to sleep if set at a sound which you find calming and relaxing
NotdienstrufNotdienstruf Android Version: 1.0
Upload date: 25 Jan 14
Tags: Healthcare & Medicine
Notdienstruf - A human never knows if the health is in difficult or in  hard/difficult phase. It can happen that you lose the sense and fall down. In case this happen, you can call the german ambulance by just one tap to the ambulance icon on your homescreen
Blood Pressure CalculatorBlood Pressure Calculator Android Version: 1
Upload date: 9 Jan 14
Tags: Healthcare & Medicine
* Blood pressure is the measure of the force of blood pushing against blood vessel walls. The heart pumps blood into the arteries (blood vessels), which carry the blood throughout the body. High blood pressure, also called hypertension, is dangerous because it makes the heart work harder to pump b
Lucid Dream Inducer FREELucid Dream Inducer FREE Android Version: 1.0
Upload date: 8 Nov 13
Tags: Healthcare & Medicine
Lucid Dreaming App - It works! The app monitors sleep when placed on your mattress and plays subtle voice reminders in REM, helping you achieve lucidity. After a few nights you will have enough information to properly configure the app for reminder delivery in REM
High Freq Mosquito RepellentHigh Freq Mosquito Repellent Android Version: 2.0
Upload date: 7 Nov 13
Tags: Healthcare & Medicine
High Freq Mosquito Repellent - ✭✭✭✭✭ "Really guys this app is just amazing, i could finally get a great nights sleep" – David Samsung S3 ✭✭✭✭✭ "This is a must have app, works like magic
Mosquito Repellent (Free)Mosquito Repellent (Free) Android Version: 1.2
Upload date: 5 Nov 13
Tags: Healthcare & Medicine
Mosquito Repellent - bvcsoft Mosquito Repellent (Free) produces a sound in the range of 16 KHz to 20 KHz. We cannot hear the sound since it is beyond the audio range of humans. However, mosquitoes can hear it and will fly away from the source of the sound.bvcsoft Mosquito Repellent is definitely the best app to keep away all types of mosquitos
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Motorola Moto Z3 Dual SIM TD-LTE CN 128GB XT1929-15 (Motorola Messi)

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