Istanbul Bus helps travelers to find the correct bus route in Istanbul. Enter your current place and target, Istanbul Bus will calculate the optimal route on the IETT bus lines. From and to fields offer suggestions while the user enters stop names
Best deal EVER! Why pay for 9 applications that may not be as good, when you can get all of these quality applications in ONE? ✓Bubble Level ✓Caliper ✓Clinometer/Inclinometer
✓Flashlight ✓Plumb bob ✓Protractor ✓Ruler ✓Voice Battery Tool ✓Voice Compass
Korean Air - Korean Air provides customers with finger tip access to the popular functions.
Korean Air provides application service for customer’s convenience. Here are many convenient functions including SKYPASS mileage status, seat selection and flight schedule
WeatherPro for Android Phones - WeatherPro provides accurate 7-day weather forecasts for over 2 million locations around the world.
The app comes with global satellite and animated radar images for the USA and much of Europe Phone - v3 is completely renewed and has more features than before. v3 app is completely renewed.
For Tablet Users: Try the Buienradar HD app!
This app is not created to replace Google Maps or other feature rich mapping apps. What this app does is to serve a simple need for certain group of users. Use case is you own jpg,png image files of tradeshow,house,store,apartment,garden etc floorplan and you want to draw pins on different location
Venice Tide Forecast - Do you need to know when the next High Tide (Acqua Alta) event is forecasted in Venice?
You want to plan your trip to Venice when there will be a High Tide so you can watch this beautiful and unique event by yourself?
Get this app that will show you the High Tide forecast for the next 68 in Venice!!!
Possibility to check the tide graph as well
This is the first Map Application developed by Bagf, Inc. and in cooperation with Google, Inc. It is a honor for us to work with Google.. Also is it a honor to can share an Application that comes from us and Google! Enjoy!
Polaris Navigation System - The Polaris Navigation System is a powerful navigation software for Android. It includes all the standard GPS functionality, including an odometer, altimeter, speedometer and directional compasses.
The app also allows you to record trails and view them on a map
Worldwide audio guide.Toozla is a mobile service that combines a global positioning system with audio tours and stories, user content, and local information, to give you an all-in-one travel guide that you can take with you everywhere