Gesture Search (Android) Gesture Search (Android) lets you quickly find a contact, a bookmark, an application, or a music track on your Android device by drawing on the screen. Search results are updated as you add each letter or digit and becomes better by learning from your search history extension - Firefox Addon extension - File upload, pastebin, irc, url shortening, as well as irclnx random and submit capabilities. This site is designed to be the glue in between sites like twitter, twitxr, jaiku, myspace and facebook. Keep up with links and submit content to be reviewed in a digg/reddit like interface
Direct-Download Links Checker - Firefox Addon Direct-Download Links Checker is add-on automatically checks and highlights Direct-Download links whether they are available or not.
Supported file hosts: Megaupload, Rapidshare.
· Fast link check
· Highlight in red unavailable links
· Highlight in green available links
What's New in This Release:
· Firefox 4 - Compare Hotel Rates - Firefox Addon - Compare Hotel Rates - Firefox Addon - A free hotel comparison tool which compares hotel offers of more than 30 top reservation sites and shows all available rates. It is the easiest way to find the cheapest hotel room rates over the Internet and make a direct booking
Read It Later Free for Android Read It Later Free for Android - Read It Later lets you save webpages to read later, even without an internet connection.
When you come across an article or a webpage you'd like to read but can't at that time, save it to your Read It Later list
Dolphin Browser® HD Powerful, Fast & Elegant web browser for Android 2.0+.Browsing made wonderful.Browsing made wonderful.Dolphin Browser™ HD offers you:*Powerful Add-ons support
Dolphin Browser™ HD Powerful, Fast & Elegant web browser for Android 2.0+.Browsing made wonderful.Browsing made wonderful.Dolphin Browser™ HD offers you:*Powerful Add-ons support
Dolphin Read Later **Dolphin Browser HD Add-ons** Saves your page onto a read list on the Toolbar to access later
Dolphin Speed Dial **Dolphin BrowserTM HD Add-on** Quick access your favorite sites with 9 slots. V1.2 *Fix bugs
Dolphin Screen Cut Dolphin Screen Cut - **Dolphin BrowserTM HD Add-on**
Capture the entire webpage or any part you want to save as screenshot and save onto SD card, your gallery or share it as an attachment.
+ Fixed share problems
+ Fixed some OOM FC bugs
Browse Faster for Dolphin Browse Faster for Dolphin - **Dolphin BrowserTM HD Add-on**
Speed up your browsing experience by killing all other working applications on your phone with just one click.