SMSesFolderer converts your SMS Inbox and Outbox folders into tiny text files in the current selected storage folder in dated order (most recent bottom) based on date. Select the storage card folder with the built in file interface and select 'Sync' from the toolbar to create the REC and SND text files. You can also use program this to send SMSes
SMSesTimeline allows you to view your sent and received SMSes in order of offset date/time. You can set the time zone value for Inbox and Outbox (time zone values). When you select 'Sync' the program will create a tiny text file based on the time offsets and place them in the current folder in chronological order. You can also use this to send SMSes
SMSesCalendar allows you to view your SMS Inbox and Outbox in a full featured calendar interface. The program displays the total numbers of SMSes for each calendar day. When you tap on day you can view the SMSes that were sent on the day. You can also send a SMS via the program with the built in SMS sender form
SMSesSearch converts your Sent and Recived SMSes into tiny text files and allows you to search with a few taps. Select 'Sync' from the toolbar to create the SMS report files. Enter the text of the item you want to search for and the program will display ONLY the SMSes with the keyword in it
SMSesAppender creates a text report of your SMS Inbox and outbox SMSes and appends them to files on the storage card. Simply set your storage card in the settings and tap the button to create a report of your Inbox and Outbox folders and append to the files on the storage cards. NOTE: It's best to use this program before clearing out your messaging folders
SMSesText creates a text report of your SMS Inbox or Outbox with the date/sender and text of the SMS. Select the folder and tap the button to create the text report of your sent or received SMSes. You can also preview the text report in Pocket Word
SMSesXML converts your SMS Inbox or OutBox folder into a XML file. Select the folder and tap the button to export the SMSes with the date/sender and text of each message as the XML fields. You can also preview the XML file in Pocket Internet Explorer
SMSesPDF creates a PDF report of your sent or received SMSes. Select the folder and tap the button to create the PDF file with the date/sender and text of ALL SMSes in the box. You can also preview the PDF file in your PDF reader. The PDF Libraries are from the DOS TXT2PDF Phil Smith 1996