STDict is a free dictionary for everybody who frequently needs to translate back and forth between Hungarian and English, or Hungarian and German. The huge number of expressions and phrases are placed into highly compressed dictionary files that can be copied either into the device's internal memory, or onto a storage card
AW German-French Dictionary 8340 entries. This dictionary contains the most commonly used words, perfect for low memory devices. Based on Ergane 5.0 wordlists. This dictionary requires you have installed RoadLingua software, which is included to the archive
AW German-Spanish Dictionary - German-Spanish (Deutsch-Spanisch, Alemon-Espanol) Dictionary. 5526 entries. This dictionary contains the most commonly used words, perfect for low memory devices. Based on Ergane 5.0 wordlists. This dictionary requires you have installed RoadLingua software, which is included to the archive
AW Portuguese-German Dictionary - Portuguese-German (Portugues-Alemro, Portugiesisch-Deutsch) Dictionary. 9075 entries. This dictionary contains the most commonly used words, perfect for low memory devices. Based on Ergane 5.0 wordlists. This dictionary requires you have installed RoadLingua software, which is included to the archive
AW Italian-German Dictionary - Italian-German (Italiano-Tedesco, Italienisch-Deutsch) Dictionary. 7263 entries. This dictionary contains the most used words and it is perfect word set to fit in memory of low-memory devices. This dictionary is based on Ergane 5.0 wordlists This dictionary requires you have installed RoadLingua software, which is included to the archive
PocketDict English-German - NOW SUPPORT :
- WIN MOBILE 6.0-6.1 Classic/Professional , WIN MOBILE 5.0, Pocket PC 2000/2002/2003/2003SE
- All resolution (Square or non Square)
- Potrait/Landscape
This is English-German dictionary file for PocketDict application. It contains 123.000 entries (approx 4.0 Mb)
AW Swedish-German Dictionary (Pocket PC) - Swedish-German (Svensk-Tysk, Schwedisch-Deutsch) Dictionary. 7850 entries. This dictionary contains the most used words. It is a perfect word set to be installed either in your handheld's memory or on the expansion card. Swedish German Dictionary database based on Ergane 5