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MobiLearn Talking Phrasebook Add-on: Cuisine, English-Spanish

MobiLearn Talking Phrasebook Add-on: Cuisine, English-Spanish
Version: 1.0

Platforms: Pocket PC

Categories: Dictionary & Translator

Upload date: 12 Jan 11

Developer: MobiLearn, Inc.

License: Shareware

Price: 19.99 $

Downloads: 32

File Size: 1012 Kb

Download Free Trial of MobiLearn Talking Phrasebook Add-on: Cuisine, English-Spanish 

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  MobiLearn Talking Phrasebook Add-on: Cuisine, English-Spanish is a  seamless add-on to the MobiLearn(R) Talking Phrasebook

The Cuisine module adds over 190 special culinary expressions to Version 5 of the MobiLearn English-Spanish Talking Phrasebook. When this add-on module is installed on a Pocket PC that contains the required Talking Phrasebook, Cuisine becomes a new subcategory under the Out & About category. For greatest efficiency, we recommend that you install this program on a CF or SD storage card.

Note: For elementary terms related to cuisine, purchase MobiLearn's 500 Nouns add-on, which contains vocabulary fundamentals including 162 culinary items. The Cuisine add-on module described here extends the vocabulary with more specialized expressions.

Key Features

  • Integrates seamlessly with your existing MobiLearn Phrasebook.
  • Contains over 190 parallel English and Spanish expressions you can use when dining out or talking about cuisine.
  • Displays the expressions in either language by topic or alphabetically.
  • Instantly shows the written translation of any chosen English expression in Spanish, or Spanish expression in English.
  • Speaks the translated expression out loud in a clear native voice.
  • Repeats the pronunciation automatically according to your preferences, to aid practice and memorization.
  • At your option, plays all selected phrases aloud in a continuous flow.
  • Saves selected phrases in a personal Bookmarks category.
  • In Quiz mode, lets you test your knowledge and track your progress over time.

How It Works

Suppose you're dining in Mexico City and want to order a carafe of the red house wine:

  1. On the home screen, select English-Spanish as the (From)-(To) languages.
  2. Tap the Out & About icon.
  3. In the Out & About list, tap the Cuisine category.
  4. Scroll through the Cuisine phrase list and tap "We want a carafe of the red house wine."

You'll see the Spanish equivalent, "Queremos una jarra de vino tinto de la casa," in the gold translation window. To hear it out loud, tap the translation window. Then when you're ready to order, just repeat the phrase to express yourself in natural Spanish. To reverse the direction and translate from Spanish to English, select Spanish-English as the (From)-(To) languages, then proceed in the same way.

This add-on module requires the MobiLearn Talking Phrasebook (English-Spanish), Version 5 or higher, as a foundation.  For further language tools in this series, see MobiLearn's other add-on modules: Dating, Driving, 500 Nouns, and 500 More Nouns.

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Supported operating systems: Windows Mobile 5.0, Windows Mobile 6 Classic, Windows Mobile 6 Professional, Windows Mobile 6.1 Classic, Windows Mobile 6.1 Professional, Windows Mobile 6.5 Professional

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