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PSP Bible Tool

PSP Bible Tool
Version: 2.0

Platforms: PSP, Mobile Gaming

Categories: Reading, Science & Education

Upload date: 15 Dec 11


License: Freeware

Downloads: 204

File Size: 3639 Kb
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Rating: 3.5/5 (Total votes: 4)

  PSP Bible Tool

 Who needs a G-E-D? I've got my B-I-B-L-E! Well, who said you couldn't get any holier anyways? And while we're at it, why not hang a halo over your PSP handheld and put in the Super Book also? You never know when you'd receive a calling from God, so better be prepared.

So back when Die Hard D released the first version of his PSP Bible, it caused quite a ruckus. Now, we don't want any religious flame wars going in the comments section (Peace be with you!), so please, be sensitive with what you put down.

There's not much difference in this version, but the programmer was able to fix some mistakes with the chapters. Also, there's a new Capture Mode. As with the previous version, made sure you have the following requirements to run this homebrew:

* Firmware 2.00+. (2.70+ for flash calendar to work)
* 46mb of space on your memory stick

Seeing is believing.
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