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Achivx Partner

Version: 1.0c

Platforms: Mobile Gaming, NDS

Categories: Science & Education

Upload date: 11 Jan 12


License: Freeware

Downloads: 61
Download Free DSZhongwen 

Rating: 4.0/5 (Total votes: 1)

  DSZhongwen DSZhongwen is a small "homebrew" application for the Nintendo DS, aimed to help you in learning the basics of mandarin Chinese. It should not be considered as a course by itself (we are learning the basics of Chinese, as of 2007 ^_-), but only as a tool for aiding you in strengthening your knowledge of the Chinese language.
It is possible for you to create your own lessons, but new lessons on basic Chinese (the same lessons we are receiving as of 2007) can be obtained timely from the website of the authors:


* Grammar, Listening, and writing lessons. It is also possible to create your own lessons.
* Special Lesson "Hanzi Attack!!!". Learn the 3752 hanzi included in DSZhongwen according to their popularity.
* Exams of every lesson: Quiz, "Cards". Test your knowledge of the hanzi, the pinyin, and the meaning of words.
* Animated ideograms in the writing lessons.
* Pinyin phonetics: Ideograms will be read by the NDS.
* Dictionary / Pinyin reader (based on CEDICT). Animated ideograms of the words included in the dictionary.
* Configuration: Left-handed / Right-handed (for writing lessons), speed of the animated ideograms.
* Save and Load your progress, with 4 persons able to use the same NDS (using DLDI).

v1.0c (August 15, 2007) - (Compatible with actual saved games).
New exam added: "Listen". Hear the pronunciation, and guess the correct ideograms.
Saving bug (introduced on v1.0b) fixed.
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