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Phoenix Game Engine (Lua) 0.01

Phoenix Game Engine (Lua) 0.01
Version: 1.0

Platforms: PSP, Mobile Gaming

Categories: Programming & Development

Upload date: 23 Sep 11


License: Freeware

Downloads: 64

File Size: 4012 Kb
Download Free Phoenix Game Engine (Lua) 0.01 

Rating: 3.5/5 (Total votes: 2)

  Phoenix Game Engine (Lua) 0.01

 Phoenix Game Engine (PGE) is a fully featured engine for game development written by InsertWittyName and MK2k.

PGE Lua is the Lua wrapper of that engine.

pge.controls - Handling button and analog input.
pge.dir - Directory access and file system operations that deal with directories.
pge.file - File access and file system operations that deal with files.
pge.font - TrueType font loading and drawing.
pge.gfx - Graphic primitives drawing.
pge.math - VFPU math module.
pge.mp3 - MP3 playback for background music. - Net and socket functions.
pge.texture - Image loading and drawing.
pge.timer - Timer module.
pge.usb - USB functions.
pge.utils - Utility functions for using the dialogs and retrieving system information.
pge.wav - WAV loading and playback for sound effects. - ZIP file access and extraction.

PGE Lua uses a port of the latest Lua release 5.1.4, which has been optimised specifically for the PSP.

PGE Lua comes with 23 fully commented samples demonstrating how each module is used.

Alongside that, full documentation is available via the homepage:

There is an emulator for PGE Lua which runs on Windows, Linux, OSX and allows PSP-less development. This is almost complete and will be released at that time.

Copy the 'pgelua' folder to PSP/GAMEXXX/ (or PSP/GAME/ if your kernel is set to 3xx/4xx in the recovery menu).
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