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Mute Plugin 1.00

Mute Plugin 1.00
Version: 1.0

Platforms: PSP, Mobile Gaming

Categories: Multimedia & Graphics

Upload date: 17 Nov 11


License: Freeware

Downloads: 18

File Size: 2 Kb
Download Free Mute Plugin 1.00 

Rating: 1.0/5 (Total votes: 1)

  Mute Plugin 1.00

from Smokescreen:

how 2 use:
- add Mute.prx to vsh.txt
- plug in your headphones
- enable Mute.prx in CFW recovery menu
- listen to your favorite music
- pull the phoneplug and the music (vsh) should pause till you reinsert the plug.

Happy listening!

If you use the plugin without headphones you may notice some side effects.
So best choice atm enable the plugin when you need it. will be fixed in a later version.


Shouts n Credits:

Dark_Alex/ M33
PSPSDK contributors
AhMan, StoneCut & all @
Vista200 & TD
beta test winners: Saphirrot, paulvincent, PsP-eXtReM, deli, christian1980
All devs who keep the scene alive and funky!

Smokescreen (c) 2008
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