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dDJs (DS Fat)

dDJs (DS Fat)
Version: 1.0

Platforms: Mobile Gaming, NDS

Categories: Multimedia & Graphics

Upload date: 10 Jan 12


License: Freeware

Downloads: 16

File Size: 2738 Kb
Download Free dDJs (DS Fat) 

Rating: 0.0/5 (Total votes: 0)

  dDJs (DS Fat) from Braware:

Now, with this new version, you can add MP3 files directtly from your Flash Card and mix it with the many new effects!

The .MP3 file MUST be: 22050Hz
The file name MUST be: dj
The file MUST be in the Flash Card ROOT
Nothing more, nothing less!

There are two versions, DS Lite and DS Fat. Because, the version 0.0 does not work on DS Fat, due to brightness function. Now it works!

1 - Just touch the Play button to play the MP3 file, touch again to stop;
2 - 9 new AWESOME effects!;
3 - Disc fixed, now it moves acording to your Stylus, which is much more realistic. Two Scratch effect added, oh yeah!!

For more information, the most recent version of dDJs, and additional features, send us an E-Mail, which is:
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