Well, I don't know whether I should be happy with this announcement or not. On one hand, Sony has totally blocked homebrew with their new firmware 2.7 and upwards. But on the other hand, the Flash player has given homebrew developers a chance to add tiny tidbits of functionality. Anyways, I'll leave the Sony bashing for another day.
For now, lets check out the latest Flash application for PSPs 2.7 and above. It is a simple Image gallery application. In the author, Epixx's own words, "This Flash application for your PSP takes images from your memory stick, and displays them in your browser with little arrows."
Ok, so you might say it's weak. I mean, can't the Photo viewing functionality in the firmware already accomplish this? Well, you might be right. But not for long. The one grouse which I've had with all the firmwares is the zero ability to multitask. You can't watch a slideshow and play music at the same time. And why? That's something I can't figure out.
That's the void which this application could fill. If the author can add the ability to play music and view a slideshow at the same time, that would rock! Plus, maybe even transitions. Although it's still speculation on my part, it isn't misplaced. The author's views aren't very different when you consider what he says - "It's not much, but there's defintely more to come in later versions. I think that in the end, people will find this to be a handy little application to pass some time."
And I'll definitely wait for more functionality to be added. For now, enjoy the basic version, or like Epixx calls it, an open beta. Make sure to read the attached text file. It contains the instructions on how to use this nice app.
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