Image Viewer Infantile Paralysiser has updated Image Viewer to version 0.25. As the name suggests, the Image Viewer allows users to organize photos and images stored in the DS (via media card, of course). This is particularly useful to DS owners who've amassed a cartload of images in a short span of time.
Changes in Image Viewer v0.25 are as follows:
* Even if the reduction ratio was changed, the cursor position was maintained. * The reduction ratio change icon was brought together in the pop-up menu. * The function was allocated in UP/DOWN/LEFT/RIGHT and L button (Or, A/B/X/Y and R button) respectively. * The preservation folder of the IPK file can be specified with img2ipk.exe. * When a thumbnail mode was begun, the cursor position was corrected in the screen inside. * A small bug was corrected. * The user interface was changed a little.
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Developer's note:
Hey, I updated my image viewer. Now it supports two more image formats: TGA and GIF =D
That brings us to a grand total of 6 different formats:
1. PNG
2. GIF
3. TGA
6. BMP
what I hope to accomplish for the next version:
1. new browser with intraFont
2. 3d background
3. support for opentype fonts
4. no bugs
Image Viewer Image Viewer Viewing your photos on your DS should be something of an art, something you can enjoy rather than just a neccessity. The hard-working Infantile Paralysiser who brought us the amazing Moonshell homebrew application for the DS has now given us another homebrew gift in the form of Image Viewer v0.21
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