Can you guide mario though this epic journey to save princess peach? Or will bowser forever haunt your dreams?
Mario Fusion is a tribute to the Mario franchise that we all know and love. The game features most of the features you would expect to see in a mario game, with breakable blocks, animated tiles, mushrooms, coins, goombas, flowers & shells. The game features 5 Levels including a showdown with your evil nemesis bowser!
The game is fun & challenging and I hope you enjoy playing it as much as I did creating it.
Please read the credits screen in game for a full list of people who helped me make this game possible.
Game is programmed in C using the GU. It is also multiplatform, currently supported platforms are : PSP, Windows, Mac OSX & Linux.
If you download the version with music enabled you may experience freezes at random places. It might happen at the menu or it could happen after 3 game overs. It is a bug with AALIB that I didn't have the time or know how to fix. If this behavior irritates you, please download the version with no music. Both versions include sound effects.
Occasionally some enemies may be spawned under tiles, it's really random, it sometimes never happens but occasionally does. Again due to time contraints I was unable to pinpoint the issue.
My apologies for the above bugs.
DPad Right = Move Right
DPad Left = Move Left
Cross = Jump
Square = Run
Re-wrote tile animation function
FPS never drops below 60fps now
Fixed enemy's appearing below the ground bug
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Comments on Mario Fusion v2 (with music):
ok the best game
Date: 16 Feb 12
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