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Achivx Partner

Version: 1.0

Platforms: PSP, Mobile Gaming

Categories: Business & Profession

Upload date: 9 Dec 11


License: Freeware

Downloads: 30

File Size: 726 Kb
Download Free PSPExel 

Rating: 3.0/5 (Total votes: 1)


PSP homebrew developer Kandibu dropped by the QJ.Net Forums earlier to announce the release of PSPExel v1.0. As its name implies, this homebrew application is a PSP adaptation of Microsoft Excel. It's coded in Lua, and currently carries these features:

* 130 Variables
* Numbermode (set a number to variable)
* Variable + - / * ^ Variable - Mode
* Savemenu
* Loadmenu
* Clearmode

Given that this is still a first release, Kandibu further notes that the following can be expected in future updates:

* Tutorial-Mode
* Colors for text
* Colors for every block
* Add %,€,$ etc.
* Add negative numbers
* Add more blocks and scrolling
* Add Text-Input

Further details such as controller instructions can be found in the file readme. Readers are also invited to visit Kandibu's thread here at our QJ.Net Forums for further informations and discussions. That's all for the day - enjoy the download!
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