Bhattsan sent us a tip about a new app developed by Reefbarman, called the PSP Super Portable Calendar or pSPC. Reefbarman's pSPC Beta 1 is the first version of his planned personal organizer application which, he says, is "intended to help manage your day-to-day life while on the go."
Currently, pSPC Beta 1 only has the interactive calendar function ready, but its actually quite good. It generates a calendar with an accurate date and time display (according to your individual settings, most probably), and even marks what day it is with an orange shade on the calendar entry. Best of all, if you don't like the backgrounds currently placed in it, you can change them (480x272, okay?).
He's hoping to add some of the functions below in the next version, and we're quite excited to see how he'll integrate some of the functions he wants to put in. Maybe some developers here can help him out with friendly advice, and maybe offer their own programs for integration so we can make a community-based homebrew organizing app.
In any case, it works fine on 1.5. Be sure to check the readme before installing it, as he places the directions for installation and use of the app in there. He also instructs users on background switching in the readme, which is another good reason to read it first. Enjoy the app!
On his to-do list:
* Day by Day notes
* Text input
* Reminders & intergrated XMB reminders system
* Picture drawing
* Phone & address book
* To-do lists
* Budget calculator
* Customizable themes
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First off, we'd like to thank Karasu for giving us a heads up on this news bit. We gotta say, it's guys like you that really help us keep the 'updates' in pspupdates, so muchos kudos to you my man. So anyway, now that due credit has been given, let's get to the release at hand.
Reefbarman has just updated his PSP Super Portable Calendar (a.k.a
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