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DSOrganize 2.45

DSOrganize 2.45
Version: 1.0

Platforms: Mobile Gaming, NDS

Categories: Business & Profession

Upload date: 16 Jan 12


License: Freeware

Downloads: 18

File Size: 2296 Kb
Download Free DSOrganize 2.45 

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  DSOrganize 2.45 A new release of Dragonminded's DSOrganize is now out. This release features a few crash and playback bug fixes as well as a new DSO executable format.

For the uninitiated, DSOrganize is a homebrew organizer application for the Nintendo DS. It has a calendar, a to-do-list, and address book, a picture viewer, and even a file browser. It also supports quite a range of file formats. For a full list of supported formats, check out the "file formats.txt" file included in the download.

Dragonminded has also added a new addons page to his dev blog. You can head there to grab some plugins designed to enhance DSOrganize. For installation instructions, please check out the readme file included in the download.
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DSOrganize DSOrganize is a homebrew organizer application for the Nintendo DS created by DragonMinded. This application does a pretty good job of turning the DS into a calendar, address book, day planner, picture viewer, sound player, and a scientific calculator. And it has has file browser and multi-language support
DSOrganize DragonMinded is back with the latest update to his DS homebrew application DSOrganize. DSOrganize v2
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DSOrganize DragonMinded has updated his organization program for the NDS. This program servers as a calendar, appointement book, day planner and now a picture viewer! This program is the complete package for any PDA-hungry users
DSOrganize DSOrganize, a homebrew organizer application for the Nintendo DS, lets you turn your DS into a calendar, address book, day planner and a scientific calculator. It also has multi-language support, a picture viewer and text viewer/editor integrated into the file browser, and a WAV recorder
pSPC First off, we'd like to thank Karasu for giving us a heads up on this news bit. We gotta say, it's guys like you that really help us keep the 'updates' in pspupdates, so muchos kudos to you my man. So anyway, now that due credit has been given, let's get to the release at hand. Reefbarman has just updated his PSP Super Portable Calendar (a.k.a
DSOrganize Give homebrew developer DragonMinded a few days and he will come up with an update to his homebrew app for the Nintendo DS, DSOrganize. Before we have featured beta versions of his work and now thanks to your comments, observations, and inquiries he has released DSOrganize v2.01-- this one ain't a beta anymore
DSOrganize DSOrganize is a homebrew organizer application for the Nintendo DS. Dragonminded thinks it should be a built-in application but since its not he went ahead a build one. While he says it doesn't match a full-fledged organizer like the PDA, it does a pretty good job of turning the DS into a calendar, address book, day planner and a scientific calculator

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