Right after the month of June kicked off, we shared with you a homebrew application concerning your PSP of course and its accessory add-on Chotto Shot. The program itself is called Go! Cam Mod v1 and it's just a simple adjustment to the cam's rather loud sound.
Now, this next ones still concerns cameras, specifically webcams
Dev release:
Hey guys this is it. i have finally made a (more) stable version and now i'm going to officially make a release
This Homebrew enables you to use your psp Go!Cam or chotto shot as a webcam for your pc via a wireless connection
PSP Earth Beta
About two weeks ago, PSP homebrew developer mat_dizzy announced a teaser for an upcoming project, named PSP Earth. For the guys who haven't heard about it yet, this application promised to allow PSP owners access to webcams worldwide via the PSP's wireless internet capability (Wi-Fi)
DSCam A lot of interesting brews are being cooked up for the PAlib Dev compo - and we're not just talking about the gaming scene. XParano has just uploaded his entry, which he has dubbed DSCam Alpha. The brew, as the name implies, makes use of your typical PC/Laptop-mounted webcam
Inverted Colour GoCam! Demo
Here's a demo that shows colour inverted output from the GoCam on the
PSP screen in real time. based on the Chotto cam sample at
It does nothing else, no saving of photo or video, just an experiment done
with the same sample I started on for Laser Invaders
PSP WorldExplorer
Wondering how the world looks from your handheld? Glennio dropped by the QJ.NET Forums earlier to inform the PSP community of a web portal that PSPnoob originally released over at the Dutch, titled PSP WorldExplorer Version 1.0 beta
Homebrew developer Xarro dropped by the QJ.NET PSP Development Forums recently to release a new version of PSPWebcam. Version 0.2 adds the following features:
* Set Screen Type (4:3 more faster, 16:9 full screen but slow)
* PSPWebcam open all necessary, on PC..
PSP homebrew developer mat_dizzy has just announced the latest version of the PSP Earth portal, branded as this portal's Summer Holiday Release. Note that this isn't the version 0.5 the developer promised earlier - the developer just thought it be cool to be able to release a new PSP Earth version by the beginning of August (hence the name)