Wright FlightMobile Gaming, NDSVersion: 0.1.7 Upload date: 29 Feb 12 Tags: Games
Wright Flight We here at the QJ quarters honestly have nothing but admiration and respect for all the coders of homebrew games out there. Especially the hardworking ones that just..won't...stop until their work is perfected
Wright Flight DS It looks like it's time for another Wright Flight DS update as the Koopa Troopers have worked hard to bring you more to their Multiplayer Gravity Force clone for the DS. Wright Flight uses dswifilib to connect to other players online and let you battle it out across the skies in a 20th century environment
Wright FlightMobile Gaming, NDSVersion: 0.1.9 Upload date: 29 Feb 12 Tags: Games
Wright Flight Spread your wings and prepare to fly, for you have become a butt-, err, plane? Oops. Looks like someone needs to do a quick check up on idontknowmymariahcareylyrics.com or something. Anyways, it's just about time that we gain some more altitude today
Wright FlightMobile Gaming, NDSVersion: 0.2.0 Upload date: 29 Feb 12 Tags: Games
Wright Flight Lucy isn't going to be the only one in the sky with diamonds tonight. We have lift off! Dog-fight air-shooter Wright Flight is now on its big version oh-two as the dedicated Koopa Troopers team has released yet another update for their homebrew.
While the previous v0.1.9, Wright Flight v0.2.0 has some little things tweaked up and ironed out
Explosion of an Aeroplane
Wright Flight for the DS has such a long history as a homebrew game, and has had so many updates we really can't keep count
WireWorld DSMobile Gaming, NDSVersion: 0.2a Upload date: 20 Feb 12 Tags: Games
WireWorld DS How many of you remember a program by the name of Wireworld? Homebrew developer asiekierka has ported the program over to the Nintendo DS for us to experience and enjoy.
For those of you who may not be familiar with it, WireWorld DS v0.3 is based upon the classic cellular automaton of the same name first proposed by Brain Silverman in 1987
WireWorld DSMobile Gaming, NDSVersion: 0.3 Upload date: 20 Feb 12 Tags: Games
WireWorld DS How many of you remember a program by the name of Wireworld? Homebrew developer asiekierka has ported the program over to the Nintendo DS for us to experience and enjoy.
For those of you who may not be familiar with it, WireWorld DS v0.3 is based upon the classic cellular automaton of the same name first proposed by Brain Silverman in 1987
OpenTTD DSMobile Gaming, NDSVersion: Alpha 5 Upload date: 20 Feb 12 Tags: Games
OpenTTD DS Homebrew developer dominik81has announced that OpenTTD DS Alpha 5 is now out for public consumption. The latest version of this Transport Tycoon Deluxe port sees quite a number of improvements including stereo sound effects, various bug fixes, and some code clean up
OpenTTD DSMobile Gaming, NDSVersion: Alpha 6 Upload date: 15 Feb 12 Tags: Games
OpenTTD DS Dominik 81 finally released the latest revision to OpenTTD DS (previous version here), the open Transport Tycoon Deluxe port for the Nintendo DS. As always, several additions are implemented, such as a new optimized toolbar, on-screen keyboard and newsticker display among other new features and fixes
BlobbDSMobile Gaming, NDSVersion: 0.1 Upload date: 15 Feb 12 Tags: Games
BlobbDS Antonio Nino Diaz at Elotrolado has released his DS homebrew game, BlobbDS v0.1. He explains that it basically is a cross-over between the Tamagotchi and Nintendogs.For this version (and we're sure there'll be more to come), he's worked on the 3D graphics engine so you can move the character and the camera will follow him