PuzzleShufflePSP, Mobile GamingVersion: Upload date: 29 Apr 09 Tags: Games
We can almost say that this homebrew game is a classic.
PuzzleShuffle was first released in 2005 by luckymouse. Approximately one and a half years later, the homebrew developer decided to resurrect the said game and release version 0.2.
PuzzleShuffle is basically a slide puzzle game coded in lua. According to the dev, version 0
BunnyTetrisPSP, Mobile GamingVersion: 2.94 Upload date: 15 Jun 09 Tags: Games
BunnyTetris- Homebrew developer Arnaud (aka NoRiGoLo) dropped by today and released BunnyTetris v2.94.
As you are all aware, several coders have come up with different kinds of Tetris game in the past but it's always good to have some options.
Despite the version number in this release, take note that this is actually the first time the program's publicly released
Boxy IIPSP, Mobile GamingVersion: 0.6.6 Upload date: 21 May 12 Tags: Games
Boxy II - A new version of Boxy II has just hit the streets, which is being diligently worked on by Ghoti.
Just to let you know, it is NOT a Lua game! With the confusion now aside, there have been quite a few updates.
Update Description:
- Chaos game mode added.
- Add option to turn on/off music playing
Magic8BallPSP, Mobile GamingVersion: Upload date: 16 Jul 09 Tags: Games
It answers any yes and no questions
DownfallPSP, Mobile GamingVersion: Upload date: 27 Jul 09 Tags: Games
Downfall-Jamie Fuller the same guy that has brought the homebrew scene great homebrew games like Planet Smash and SensitivePSP has today released a preview of his latest homebrew game to bring to the PSP, and it goes by the name of Downfall.
If you ever remember playing this game as a kid (or as an adult!) you'll know that it is quite fun and pretty addictibve
SensitivePSPPSP, Mobile GamingVersion: Upload date: 10 Sep 09 Tags: Games
SensitivePSP is a puzzle-style homebrew game and beliebve it or not is the developer, Jamie Fuller's first release!
Those who haven't checked out Jamie Fuller's SensitivePSP are probably dozing off when great homebrew games get announced in the QJ forums. Anyway, Jamie just announced an update for SensitivePSP and it's called SensitivePSP v1 fix
PSPLifePSP, Mobile GamingVersion: Upload date: 10 Sep 09 Tags: Games
PSPLife- Today we are opn hand to dish out yet another homebrew game from a developer brand new to the homebrew scene, Ipodlinux.
He has brought us PSPLife today, a homebrew game clone of 'ConwaysGame Of Life' which may remind some of you of the classic elecronic handheld game 'Lights Out
SquarOPSP, Mobile GamingVersion: 1.2 Upload date: 7 Mar 10 Tags: Games
SquarO - Update Squaro PSP
- Possibility to mark a red circle (with the O button) when you are sure it is empty.
- Adding an mp3 player (in beta)