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Freeware Programming & Development Software for Mobile Gaming
Total Software: 645
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sdlBasic PSPsdlBasic PSP PSP, Mobile Gaming Version: 0.6
Upload date: 23 Sep 11
Tags: Programming & Development
sdlBasic PSP  We've got some good news for the beginner PSP homebrew developers out there, courtesy of Deniska. The dev is announcing that the sdlBasic devkit has been updated to version 0.6. As a recap, this homebrew is actually a PSP port of the multiplatform interpreter for BASIC (Beginner's All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code)
sdlBasicsdlBasic PSP, Mobile Gaming Version: 0.5
Upload date: 23 Sep 11
Tags: Programming & Development
sdlBasic  If there's one thing you've probably noticed with Deniska's recent works, it's about porting old-school games over to the PSP. This time around, the dev's created something meant for fellow coders out there, with the release of sdlBasic 05
PSP-PDA (source codes)PSP-PDA (source codes) PSP, Mobile Gaming Version: 1.0
Upload date: 23 Sep 11
Tags: Programming & Development
PSP-PDA (source codes)  Developer zx-81 visited the QJ.NET Forums earlier to announce the release of a new build for the PSP-PDA application. This homebrew app, in case you weren't around during the previous releases, is a set of PDA programs built to run for the the Sony handheld
TimeManager Final (demo)TimeManager Final (demo) PSP, Mobile Gaming Version: 1.0
Upload date: 23 Sep 11
Tags: Programming & Development
TimeManager Final (demo)  Remember the TimeManager version 0.1 developer's library that Yan2Yan released last month? We're letting the readers know that the developer's has recently unveiled this devkit's final build
TimeManager Final (Class C + +)TimeManager Final (Class C + +) PSP, Mobile Gaming Version: 1.0
Upload date: 23 Sep 11
Tags: Programming & Development
TimeManager Final (Class C + +)  Remember the TimeManager version 0.1 developer's library that Yan2Yan released last month? We're letting the readers know that the developer's has recently unveiled this devkit's final build
TimeManager Final (Lib C)TimeManager Final (Lib C) PSP, Mobile Gaming Version: 1.0
Upload date: 23 Sep 11
Tags: Programming & Development
TimeManager Final (Lib C) Remember the TimeManager version 0.1 developer's library that Yan2Yan released last month? We're letting the readers know that the developer's has recently unveiled this devkit's final build
Isometric Map System Test 4Isometric Map System Test 4 PSP, Mobile Gaming Version: 1.0
Upload date: 23 Sep 11
Tags: Programming & Development
Isometric Map System Test 4 For the guys who were here two years ago, you will probably developer b0xx0r's initial release of the Isometric Map System. This app, in case you weren't around back then, is the development version of an isometric map maker to help programmers create their own turn-based RPGs
LuaStationLuaStation PSP, Mobile Gaming Version: 1.3
Upload date: 23 Sep 11
Tags: Programming & Development
LuaStation  Homebrew development on the Sony PlayStation Portable is getting much easier thanks to developer gogy, who just updated his LuaStation to version 1.3 with around a dozen of improvements. For those who haven't been following this nifty homebrew application, LuaStation allows users to program in Lua on the PSP to develop software for the handheld
OSLib MODOSLib MOD PSP, Mobile Gaming Version: 1.0.1
Upload date: 23 Sep 11
Tags: Programming & Development
OSLib MOD  Having trouble trying to run some of the functions on the previous build of Sakya's OSLib MOD homebrew application? If you are, then you'll be happy to know that the developer's dropped by the QJ.NET Forums to release this homebrew's version 1.0.1
Miro LuaMiro Lua PSP, Mobile Gaming Version: 2.4
Upload date: 23 Sep 11
Tags: Programming & Development
Miro Lua PlayStation Portable homebrew developer hopefuls and beginners, here's a head's up. Coder omerjks has just released a new build for Miro Lua, bumping up the numbers to version 2.4. The new release features quite a number of bug fixes, tweaks, and improvements
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