TIFF PSPeriodic
Propel mentioned a few days ago that he won't be updating anymore the PSPeriodic application. It was actually alright to leave the project at that moment as improvements and corrections were already done to it. It was working, as we've said, perfectly fine. Today Propel came out not with an update but a TIFF version of PSPeriodic.
For fw2
I am in awe that Zion can find the time in his busy
schedule to even code. And not just code, code with
such fervor that in July alone he has coded games
like Snake and three releases of Future Resurrection,
plus joint projects with fellow coders like
MexicanSnake for Lua Wormz and ninja9393 for Metroid:
Return of the SA-X
PSP Flash Image Gallery 0.5
Well, I don't know whether I should be happy with this announcement or not. On one hand, Sony has totally blocked homebrew with their new firmware 2.7 and upwards. But on the other hand, the Flash player has given homebrew developers a chance to add tiny tidbits of functionality. Anyways, I'll leave the Sony bashing for another day
X-Soft from josema (translated):
Hey, apparently my x-soft has awakened from its slumber, this does not bring much as it is very polished and the ram starts to get low ...
The main improvements of this version of the above are:
1-The mp3 player plays.
Improved 2-game penalty on their own (and accepted goals stops).
3-Added rectangle tool to paint (for rectangles)
X-Soft Hi already available in the new version improves yoxdxd only hope that is your pleasure.
Desktop Icons are not ordered to move from one application to another.
on the screen of the color information was added.
information on the screen A and B are to regulate the light to turn off and on.
limits added to the maps