3D Cube
Alatnet from our forums has updated his Lua homebrew application, 3D cube, to version 3b. Although this program contains nothing actually useful, it's just one of those nice things which you can keep on your PSP. These demos show just how much you can do with programming, and this one in particular shows how powerful Lua is
What does this post offer to a movie buff and a Gurumin fan? A boxload of treasures, that's what! We have here for you four new movies from Gurumin: A Monstrous Adventure, all ready for download at the mere click of a button
AmplituDSMobile Gaming, NDSVersion: 3 source codes Upload date: 22 Feb 12 Tags: Entertainment
AmplituDS Several months ago, DS homebrew developer Dark Knight released a game titled AmplituDS. The game is a DS adaptation of Harmonix's Amplitude music game for the PS2. The author's just announced that AmplituDS has been updated, and is now bumped up version three
Homebrew dev Babkock has dropped by once again in our forums to release a new version of Beatbox, a simple drum machine for the homebrewd PSP that "emits various drum sounds every time you press a button
BeatboxPSP, Mobile GamingVersion: 1.1 (signed) Upload date: 1 Nov 11 Tags: Entertainment
Homebrew developer Babkock has dropped by our forums to release his latest project, Beatbox, a simple music app that "emits various drum sounds every time you press a button
Bliptracker DS homebrew developer Dan has just announced an update for bliptracker, which now stands at version 1.0. For the readers wondering what this application does, bliptracker is an NDS-based "drum machine, synth and sequencer, intended for live performance," according to the readme. Here're a rundown on version 1.0's improvements: * v1
bliptracker There's a cool new brew for your DS in town, and it's bound to get your rhythm pumping away. The bliptracker v0.9c is a drum machine and a synth, as well as a sequencer, intended for live performance.Dan the creator has given warning that this is but the beta code so make sure to backup your flashcard before installation or use
From flav1994:Hi Everyone,After having programmed in lua, I started reading and I just introduce you to my 1st HB: Brick2Crick, a smulater of brick, I know it's pretty simple to do, but for a 1st HB, I believe that 'is a good start xD
cellsDS A free flexible, programmable grid-based music sequencer for the Nintendo DS. cellsDS is six sequencers in one, with each sequencer being controlled by a user definable Lua script. It is the peculiar anti-social stepchild of the Tenori-On and Monome.
Features include:
* Dead simple user interface