PSP Homebrew: Webtastic
Want to get your social media fix on CFW PSP? Webtastic is the bookmarker app for you!
Crafted by the scene famous FouadtjuhMaster Webtastic is a long-running social media bookmarker app for PSP. Essentially what it allows you to do is view some of the more popular social media sites in a way that's far more compatible with the older system browser
UserAgentFaker 1.0
Developer ABCanG is back with another awesome homebrew app for your PSP which is called UserAgentFaker 1.0. The name kind of explains what the app does however it will let you use the PSP internal browser's UserAgent to rewrite software.A This is version 1.0 so I'm sure there will be changes coming soon
PSP Homebrew: Webtastic 1.1
Many PSP useres who have CFW PSPs have heard of developer FouadtjuhMaster.A Today the PSP developer is back with an update to the Webtastic app bringing it to version 1.1. Webtastic is a PSP application that lets users easily bookmark sites from their PSP's browser
AJ's Mii Editor
A simple search online will give you a hand full of hits of Mii editor applications. It's a useful application that lets you, well, edit your Mii avatars (thanks for explaining, Captain Obvious). But what we have today is quite different
noSy Offline Web Browser
Do you want to browse your favorite websites on your PSP from anywhere but there's no wireless network around? All you need is noSy. It's an offline browsing tool from Teddysoft that allows you to preload any website you select onto your PSP, giving you the freedom to surf on the bus, train, up a hill..
Xela has thus update PSPSignets who helps manage bookmarks (favorites) of the PSP. So if you long URL to grasp, nothing could be simpler than the type in which PSPSignets add bookmarks in your browser PSP. Simple and effective.
Note that this utility works only on Windows
PSP Build
A simple finder bar application.
To use:
1. Open the folder with your makefile.
2. Click PSP Build.
3. Terminal will open.
4. Compile your project.
5. Move all files to a new release folder
6. Quit the Terminal
To install:
1. Copy PSP to your applications folder.
2. From your applications folder drag and hold to your Finder bar
DSwiki 0.1 DSwiki is an offline viewer for Wiki markup, for example for the Wikipedia, Wikibooks, Wiktionaries, ...
DSwiki is NOT a web browser!
DSwiki is for all people that like to get information with their
DS, but have no direct access to the Internet. So far, no
Program was very good in displaying the Wikipedia on the DS
DSwiki DSwiki it is an offline viewer for the wikipedia or all other wikis which are based on the mediawiki framework.
This version now supports (nearly) arbitrary large Wikis, e.g. the English Wikipedia can be completely read
DSwiki DSwiki is an offline viewer for Wiki markup, for example for the Wikipedia, Wikibooks, Wiktionaries, ...Changes: - The program now expects a folder called dswiki in the root directory. All dump files should be moved into it (suggested by Sphere). - I exchanged the main 6x12px Terminus font with a slightly higher font from the UCS-fonts collection