AirScan AirScan is a DS homebrew application to scan for WiFi access points. Notes from the developer:I developed it because I found the wifi scanner in wifi_lib_test too limited and unusable if there are too many APs.Mine works correctly, check README and TODO files before asking any question.It's been tested on G6 Lite and Supercard DS ONE (SDHC)
Balik Bayan DevWifi BB DevWifi lets you send files on your pc to your ds via wifi and then automatically runs it. This would certainly help fellow developers.
You can also send normal files, then ignores about running it.
It saves the file to the /_soulanger/receivedFiles/ folder.
I have added motion so could toy the background for a bit
dswifi 0.3.4 After having the project nearly dropped a couple of times, devkitPro has finally released the latest version of the Nintendo DS homebrew application dswifi 0.3.4.This versatile WiFi library application for the DS is compatible with many other homebrew applications such as DSOrganize and VoiceChatClient
Epsilon BIOS Wi-Fi Editor
For modchip users, Djhg2000 from our forums offers two ways to enable and customize Wi-Fi on Epsilon BIOS: The hard way and the easy way. Yeah, you're going to want the easy way first, wouldn't you?
The easy (well, easier) way is to use his Epsilon BIOS Wi-Fi editor, downloadable from the link below
HostCore 1.0
Many hardcore PlayStation Portable owners make extensive use of their handhelds as a virtual extension of their PCs. To help these enthusiasts out, homebrew developer Poison was able to devise an application which "bridges" your PC's contents to your PSP with HostCore 1.0
HostCore 1.1
Homebrew developer Poison has come out with an updated version of HostCore. If you recal our post from a couple of days ago, HostCore is a module that "bridges" your PC and PSP together, allowing you to access music, video, and games on your PC via your PSP.
This new version, 1.1, boasts support for custom firmware 3.80M33
HostCore 1.2
from Poison:
A module "bridges" your PC contents to PSP XMB
With HostCore enabled, you can access your files which locate at PC via USBHostFs/NetHostFs directly from XMB menu.
+add 5.00m33 support