Bible - We want to make it easy for you to read and share God's Word. It's the Bible and it's FREE. There are no locked features or expensive downloads.
* Free access to many modern English translations including the NIV, ESV, NLT, NKJV, AMP, NASB, CEV, NET, WEB, NCV, TNIV, HCSB, The Message, and more
Prayer Zone - Developed by Amr Mebed
This application will calculate and display the prayer time at different locations around the world. You can select your location from a predefined list of countries and cities, or via GPS.
You can save your favorite locations, rename them and switch between two preferred locations with a single click
Al Quran - ***Due to large size, you need to switch to WiFi/PC(Zune) to download Al Qur'an****
Al Qur'an is a collection of melodious recitations of the commonly recited Surahs(Chapters) from the Holy Qur'an. Al Qur'an does NOT use data connection since all media contents are embedded inside making it readily playable anywhere even when flying
Freedom - Who we are, what we do, and why we do it, can pretty much be summed up in three words...
Jesus. People. The City.
Our motto is "trying to follow Jesus together!"
This app will help you do exactly that by making tools like Bible reading plans, Podcasts, and Event info available literally at your fingertips
Biblia Sagrada BR - Biblia Sagrada em portugues, num sistema pratico, de rapido acesso e muito simples de ser operada. Nao necessita de internet. Estarei atualizando em breve esse aplicativo com a opcao de "Estudo". Totalmente gratis
Roman Missal 3rd Edition - Roman Missal 3rd Edition provides the user with the new Roman Catholic Translation that is put into effect during Advent, 2011. These translations are the property of the Roman Catholic Church and are to be used for religous and reference purposes.
This application holds most of the new translations that will be in effect starting Advent, 2011
Alkitab - Alkitab means Bible in Indonesian.
This program is an offline bible which supports 5 translations (3 languages) :
-Indonesia Terjemahan Baru
-Bahasa Indonesia Sehari-hari
-German Luther Bible
-American Standart Version
-King James Version
The menu's language is in english (can be changed to german and indonesian too)