Magic Game - You have to imagine a number between 1 & 63.Then start the game.If that number is in upcoming pages , mark the checkbox in the respective page and then move to next page..Or else simply move to the next page..Atlast this app will reveal the number which you thought.
BRAIN SCAN - In This Application the user has to select and Memorize a secret symbol of his/her choice(do not spell it out).
the device will scan up your mind and at the end,after performing some transtions, will say your choosen secret symbol
Genie Answers - Genie Answers is a tricky application which answer all your friends questions and make them surprised and shocked.
Just say the magic words "genie please answer me" to get the genie out of the lamb , and then ask him any question
Brainscan - It is a fun app that will scan your brain for what you are thinking and display it on your phone. You select a secret symbol and your phone will show it to you. Have fun in scanning your brain
Extra3 - Satiremagazin - Extra 3 - The only satire
Christian Ehring shows the lunacy of the week, always snappy, cheeky and funny.
Extra 3 - Die einzige Satiresendung
Christian Ehring zeigt den Irrsinn der Woche, immer bissig, frech und witzig