Divisas Divisas - Divisas es una herramienta simple pero extremadamente util para hacer conversiones de divisas en tiempo real.
El mas simple y fiable del mercado.
Realiza conversiones del tipo USD/MXN, EUR/MXN y GBP/MXN y viceversa.
Powered by WebserviceX
XE Currency XE Currency - Convert every world currency with XE Currency
Dollars Count With dollars count, you can click the corresponding image to calculate easily and quickly how much dolars you have
Eurorechner Eurorechner rechnet alle alten und zukunftigen Wahrungen der EWU Mitgliedsstaaten in beide Richtungen um. Insgesamt 17 Wahrungen stehen zur Auswahl. Es enthalt die offiziellen Wechselkurse.
Version 1
WeCount WeCount - WeCount is the app package that will help you answer four questions:
- How much will my purchase really cost using extra discounts or coupons?
- How much do I have to pay the waiter/waitress when I go out dining ?
- If you go shopping for international shoes, clothes! What's my shoes' size in Europe, Australia,Japan .
Line 7 free Line 7 is the game similar with game Line 98. The user need to make five balls in a line to win
Lines 7 Lines 7, win by making 5 balls to on a line
Chess Replay Chess Replay - Chess Replay revises the chess games of the top players with the database of 500,000 matches of 50,000 players in last 6 years. You can find the game of any famous player or any chess event by "search" function. Every last chess event will be updated continuously
Gia vang Show live gold price and gold price chart in last three days base on Kitco database
Chess Revise Chess Revise - Chess Replay revises the chess games of the top players with the database of 500,000 matches of 50,000 players in last 6 years. You can find the game of any famous player or any chess event by "search" function.
Every last chess event will be updated continuously.
Version 1.1: The "search function" has been improved
Gomoku Pro Gomoku game, win by making 5 symbol to a line
Bejeweled Bejeweled - Bejeweled game, diamon game similar with bejewelled game of popcap Bejeweled - Match three or more jewels in a row to get points and to make room for more jewels