Notice@Be - Easy calculate the employee's notice period in Belgium. Insert the seniority of the employee, the age, salary and the app calculates the notice period.
Notice@Be also shows the new rules applicable from January 2012
NetPayPlus@Be is a gross-net calculator (Belgian Salary).
Want to know your net pay with a simple, direct and effective calculator.
Here is NetPayPlus@Be, which includes several benefits (company car, meal voucher, ..
Eng. Calc. - Cylinders - For engineers who work with Cylinders. This is a simple app that provides the Surface Area, Volume and Weight of a cylinder. Just input diameter, length and density and the calculations will be done. A handy little pocket guide
Isee-isay - A Homeland Security app Law Enforcement cannot be everywhere at all times. To have a secure homeland, we must have a partnership between the community and Law Enforcement
RitMeter - Mileage registration on your mobile Phone
RitMeter is at this moment only available in the Dutch Language and in Kilometers.
RitMeter is an Application which helps you to register your trips using your GPS receiver in your mobile phone. There are two kinds of registration, continues or separate trips for business declarations
Margins and Markups let you easily calculate your profit margins, profits or markups. Perfect app for your own businesses or for people in sales related positions.
You just have to enter two values. The others will be calculated automatically
Kentekens is an Windows Phone application that shows the last issued licenseplate in the Netherlands, while indicating how many licenseplates are issued since the last previous registration
Scrum Voting - Replace those paper cards when estimating story points (or complexity points) in the agile scrum process.
Story points were made popular by Mike Cohn and are a way of estimating work and measuring the output per sprint of a team