Spell-O-Matic - Do you have to quickly spell a word?
Did you ever have problems remembering the spelling alphabet when trying to spell your name on the phone? Not anymore! Spell-O-Matic provides an easy way to display a word in your favorite spelling alphabet. This is the only your full-featured spelling tool in the marketplace
Fender Bender was designed to help people get through a minor traffic accident. The application walks you through gathering the information you will need to report the accident to your insurance company
Juxtapoz Art Groupie - Juxtapoz.com art feed
The epicenter of Lowbrow art & other alternative/underground genres like psychedelic and hot rod art, graffiti, street art, and illustration, to the context of broader more historically recognized genres of art like Pop, assemblage, old master painting, and conceptual art
Shortcuts Excel Lite - THERE ARE OVER 230 SHORTCUTS IN EXCEL 2010. HOW MANY DO YOU KNOW? 10, 20, maybe 30?
Imagine knowing them all! You can easily increase your productivity by 10 to 20 percent using LEARN MODE which will help you memorize those shortcut keys. It is a known fact that the more key bindings you know, the more productive your experience is
Shortcuts Outlook Reference Lite - THERE ARE ABOUT 320 SHORTCUTS FOR OUTLOOK!!! HOW MANY DO YOU KNOW? 10, 20, maybe 50?
Imagine knowing them all! You can easily increase your productivity by 10 to 20 percent using LEARN MODE which will help you memorize those shortcut keys. It is a known fact that the more key bindings you know, the more productive your experience is
Shortcuts Outlook Business Lite - THERE ARE ABOUT 320 SHORTCUTS FOR OUTLOOK!!! HOW MANY DO YOU KNOW? 10, 20, maybe 50?
Imagine knowing them all! You can easily increase your productivity by 10 to 20 percent using LEARN MODE which will help you memorize those shortcut keys. It is a known fact that the more key bindings you know, the more productive your experience is