Aide randonnee - Cette application peut etre tres utile pour vos randonnees, en particulier celles de montagne.
En effet vous pouvez voir la direction vers laquelle le telephone est dirige et vous pouvez aussi voir la hauteur qu'il reste a monter pour atteindre le point culminant de votre randonnee
Compass Navigator is designed to facilitate orientation in the field. The application is useful both in przepyadku lost the road, as well as during the Foot Orienteering.
Compass Navigator will guide you to your destination in a straight line (azimuth and compass). Purpose of the map you can select or enter the latitude and longitude coordinates
Pocket Cockpit simulates all six basic flight instruments, including airspeed indicator, attitude indicator, altimeter, variometer, turn indicator and heading indicator. It's ideal for aviation enthusiasts, both experienced and amateur, who want to feel like they're flying an airplane even while walking down the street
Weekend Overdrive shows many useful indicators for passengers on car drive.
Indicators such as compass, clinometer, reverse geo coder, altitude, temperature, twitter helps you recognize your situation
What's my location - Looks up and displays your exact location in terms of latitude and longitude. You can then email your location (complete with a google map link) or view your location in bing maps.
Great for saving the location of your parked car or sending your whereabouts to a friend
Geblitzt - Mit diesem Programm konnen Sie in einem perfekt animierten Tacho die gemessene/erlaubte Geschwindigkeit bzw. den Abstand intuitiv eingeben. Das Ergebnis (Geldbuisse, Punkte, Fahrverbot) wird sofort angezeigt. Einfacher geht es nicht.
- Besonders einfache Bedienung.
- Intuitive Eingabe der gemessenen/erlaubten Geschwindigkeit
Quick Speed Free is a free speedometer for Windows Phone 7.
It allows you to measure at which speed you are currently traveling based on the GPS locations services.
An elegant, yet simple, car speedometer like gauge is displaying the speed and it also displays the speed in numbers.
It can be set to display either KM/H or MPH