Facebook SDK for Android - The Facebook SDK for Android enables developers to integrate Facebook with their native Android apps. With it, programmers can build social applications on top of the Facebook platform.
The SDK provides support for logging in with Facebook authentication, reading and writing to Facebook's APIs, as well as support for user interface elements such as pickers and dialogs.
What's New in This Release:
· Added support for Native Share Dialog.
· Added FacebookDialog, FacebookDialog.Callback, FacebookDialog.ShareDialogBuilder, FacebookDialog.OpenGraphActionDialogBuilder classes to represent Native Share Dialogs.
· Added OpenGraphObject and OpenGraphObject.Factory classes to represent an Open Graph Object (to be used with the Object API as well as the Native Share Dialog).
· Added GraphObject.getPropertyAs, GraphObject.getPropertyAsList helper methods to cast the property directly to a type.
· Added OpenGraphAction.getType, OpenGraphAction.setType, OpenGraphAction.getData, OpenGraphAction.setData methods, and OpenGraphAction.Factory class to better represent an Open Graph Action.
· Added Request.newPostOpenGraphObjectRequest, Request.newDeleteObjectRequest, Request.newUpdateOpenGraphObjectRequest methods to support the Object API.
· Added overload to Request.newStatusUpdateRequest method with place ID and user IDs to allow for tagging.
· Added AppEventsLogger and AppEventsConstants classes to allow for different flushing methods and log persistence to support asynchronous insights logging.
· Added overloads to NewPermissionsRequest constructor, OpenRequest.setPermissions, LoginButton.setReadPermissions, LoginButton.setPublishPermissions, UserSettingsFragment.setReadPermissions, UserSettingsFragment.setPublishPermissions methods to take a String... in addition to a List.
· Added ProfilePictureView.setDefaultProfilePicture to allow a different default blank picture while a user's profile picture is being loaded.
· Added overloaded Request.newCustomAudienceThirdPartyIdRequest methods to support App User IDs in Android. For more information see App User IDs for Custom Audiences
· Added Settings.setFacebookDomain to allow overriding the base Facebook domain.
· Added RPS sample app to demonstrate the Native Share Dialog and Object API.
· Added support for photo uploads in the Scrumptious sample.
· Removed Hackbook sample.
· Removed BooleanOG sample.
· More accurate output from FacebookRequestError.toString.
· More accurate exceptions from Session.
· Deprecated all Request.execute*RequestAsync methods. Prefer to use the executeAsync method on the request instance instead.
· Deprecated the InsightsLogger class. Prefer to use AppEventsLogger instead.
· Deprecated all publishInstall related methods in Settings. Prefer to use AppEventsLogger.activateApp instead.
· Updated PlacePickerFragment UI.
· WebDialogs no longer take up the full screen for large screen devices, and will instead be scaled to be in the middle of the screen.
· Updated LoginButton with new Facebook branding assets, changed the default "Log in" text to be "Log in with Facebook".
· Catch and propagate SecurityExceptions during request processing instead of silently ignoring.
· Only call LoginButton's OnErrorListener if there's no Session.Callback registered with the session, otherwise it led to double handling of errors.
· Session.closeAndClearTokenInformation now also clears image caches used by the SDK.
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Supported operating systems:
Google Android 10.x, Google Android 2.3, Google Android 3.0, Google Android 3.1, Google Android 3.2, Google Android 4.0, Google Android 4.1, Google Android 4.2, Google Android 4.3, Google Android 4.4, Google Android 5.x, Google Android 6.x, Google Android 7.x, Google Android 8.x, Google Android 9.x
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