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Best Video Players Software for LG VS880 / D631 G Vista / G Pro 2 Lite LTE-A (LG B1 Lite)
Flash Player 11.1 for Android Flash Player Lite
RockPlayer MX Player
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Top Rated Video Players Software for LG VS880 / D631 G Vista / G Pro 2 Lite LTE-A (LG B1 Lite)
Total Software: 122
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BSPlayer ARMv6 VFP CPU supportBSPlayer ARMv6 VFP CPU support Android Version: 1.9 updated
Upload date: 3 Mar 13
Tags: Multimedia & Graphics
BSPlayer ARMv6 VFP CPU support - This is BSPlayer lite CPU support package for ARMv6+VFP CPU smartphones - not the main app. You only need this if BSPlayer warns you to install it, also you must have BSPlayer lite installed first. Main application can be found here:
XBMC for AndroidXBMC for Android Android Version: 12.0 Beta 2
Upload date: 5 Dec 12
Tags: Multimedia & Graphics
XBMC for Android - XBMC is an open-source media center for Android phones and tablets. The software can play almost all popular video and audio formats. XBMC was designed for network playback, so you can stream your media from anywhere using any protocol available
Soul Movie ProSoul Movie Pro Android Version: 8.2.6 updated
Upload date: 20 Jul 13
Tags: Multimedia & Graphics
Commercial 2.99 $
Soul Movie Pro - Soul Movie Pro is a lightweight and intuitive video player for Android. It supports SMI and SRT subtitles with color (subtitles need to be in the same folder with the movie and have the same file name)
MX Player Codec (ARMv6)MX Player Codec (ARMv6) Android Version: 1.6d
Upload date: 19 May 12
Tags: Multimedia & Graphics
MX Player Codec (ARMv6) - MX Player Codec for ARMv6 type CPU. Note: This is a software component for MX Player. You don't need to install an extra codec package unless MX Player asks to do so on its first run
1by11by1 Android Version: 0.04 beta updated
Upload date: 20 Dec 12
Tags: Multimedia & Graphics
1by1 is a small, fast and handy audio player for Android. The app allows you to easily listen to your music by playing all audio files in the selected folder instead of having to add them one by one. 1by1 features: · Resume, · Home, · Sort, · Shuffle (dir), · Month colors, · Playlist support, · Webstreaming
MX Player ProMX Player Pro Android Version: 1.6d
Upload date: 19 May 12
Tags: Multimedia & Graphics
Commercial 5.60 $
MX Player Pro is a powerful video player for Android. It plays almost all video files and subtitle files. MX Player is the first Android video player that performs multi-core decoding. Test results on dual-core devices have shown up to 70% performance improvement over single-core decoding
Soul MovieSoul Movie Android Version: 8.3.6 updated
Upload date: 21 Aug 14
Tags: Multimedia & Graphics
Soul Movie - SMI/SRT with color This program support SMI and SRT caption file. SMI and SRT file have to exist at same place with movie file. if you have a /sdcard/AAA.mp4, SMI file name must have /sdcard/AAA.smi
Astro PlayerAstro Player Android Version: 3.1 updated
Upload date: 15 Aug 14
Tags: Multimedia & Graphics
Astro Player - Astro Player is a powerful media player for Android smartphones and tablets. The app can play audio and video files stored on your device, as well as podcasts from the internet. In addition, it includes advanced bookmarking capabilities that make the app ideal to use for playing audiobooks
MoboPlayer Codec for ARMV7VFP3MoboPlayer Codec for ARMV7VFP3 Android Version: 1.0
Upload date: 27 Sep 11
Tags: Multimedia & Graphics
MoboPlayer Codec for ARMV7VFP3 - MoboPlayer Codec (FFMpeg) for ARM V7_VFPV3 Just Plugin. You must install MoboPlayer First. Please DO NOT install this, if MoboPlayer works well. Thanks
nookMedianookMedia Android Version: 0.0.2
Upload date: 31 Jul 10
Tags: Multimedia & Graphics
The nookMedia app is pretty straight forward except for the UI. The application uses the page turn buttons as well as the touch screen to operate the UI. To maneuver around lists, the left page buttons go up and down and the right buttons go forward and back. When you see a soft keyboard, that means you can filter the list on the screen by typing
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LG VS880 / D631 G Vista / G Pro 2 Lite LTE-A (LG B1 Lite)

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12Smart Flash Player
13MX Player Codec (ARMv6)
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16VLC for Android
17VLC Remote Free
19MX Player Codec (ARMv7)
20RockPlayer Universal
21MX Player Codec (ARMv7 NEON)
22MoboPlayer Codec for ARM V6VFP
23HD Video Player
24Meridian Video Player
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