Calculator V1.02 - This is the calculator which has many functionalities than the normal calculator provided in the mobiles, this software is mainly designed for the touch screen mobiles. This will not work on the mobiles which do not have touch screen facility.
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Supported operating systems:
Java ME, Java Nokia 240x320, Java SE 240x320
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Disclaimer: This download is for personal use (mobile phones) only. Kindly do not copy, modify, distribute or sell the whole or parts of this file without permission of the creator
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Comments on Calculator V1.02:
i want a best calculator
Date: 28 Jun 11
Amo uma calculadora tipo, temos numeros constantes numeros crados uma mistura com fisica eu quero explorar podemos criar tudo, quero estudar tanto a matematica, logaritmos e tudo pois a matematica e a ciencia do homem e talvez a de deus.
Date: 25 Jun 24
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Calculator V1.02 is compatible with your device LG T310