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Jalanan Termahal di Dunia Java Jalanan Termahal di Dunia Java - Due to its strategic location and always full of hustle, here are 10 Most Expensive Streets in the World. Karena lokasinya yang strategis dan selalu penuh dengan keramaian, inilah 10 Jalanan Termahal di Dunia
WISDOM QUOTES LEARN MORE It doesn't have to take years to get it and once you have it, it's hard to lose. It does take a lot of work to get it .Wisdom is the quality or state of being wise; knowledge of what is true or right.is the repetition of one expression as part of another one, particularly when the quoted expression is well-known or explicitly attributed by citation to its original source, and it is indicated by (punctuated with) quotation marks
Quote of the Day for October Quote of the Day for October - Mobile booklet with a quote of the day for the month of October.
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LEARN WISDOM QUOTES LEARN WISDOM QUOTES - It doesn't have to take years to get it and once you have it, it's hard to lose. It does take a lot of work to get it .Wisdom is the quality or state of being wise; knowledge of what is true or right
Chankya Niti Chankya Niti - Chanakya was a wise thinker and a teacher. Chanakya developed Neeti-Sutras. Hindi Chanakya was a teacher to the first Maurya Emperor Chandragupta.Chanakya has been considered as the pioneer of the field of economics and political science
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