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Achivx Partner

Version: 3.1.2

Platforms: Java

Categories: Science & Education

Upload date: 28 Jun 11


License: Freeware

Downloads: 4385

File Size: 42 Kb
Download Free MicroSky 

Rating: 3.2/5 (Total votes: 5)

  MicroSky - MicroSky is a planetarium for mobile/cell devices with Java-support and a connection to the Internet (preferably GPRS or UMTS). It is a very small J2ME-Midlet client/server application which retrieves its starcharts from the skyserver. It can display 2.500.000 stars, 8.000 deep sky objects, the constellations, the planets, local horizon, 1000 current comets, and minor planets. MicroSky provides lots of functions and settings for customizing the MicroSky-Charts to your individual needs.

Microsky v3 extends v2 with even more functions such as a more polished style, Bluetooth-GPS support and a offline mode that reduces the GPRS costs and enables MicroSky for outdoor regions without GPRS reception.

To use MicroSky on your mobile phone you will need a User and Password to login. You can register here:

What's new

New Branch with major new features for mobile devices which supports Midp 2.0

* GPS-Bluetooth connection:

- Receive your actual location data for MicroSky-Charts per connected internal or external GPS-Bluetooth device
- Comfortable GPS-Bluetooth-Device search in MicroSky

* MicroSky Offline Charts:

- Get and store up to two sets of MicroSky-Charts - calculated for special date and your location - in advance to your mobile device database
- Offline MicroSky-Charts contain Overview Chart and detailed Charts for Zenit, South, East, North,West and details about their 25 best visible objects
- The stored MicroSky-Charts can be explore later at any time, without the need of having at that time an online Internet-Connection
- You can always toggle to online mode and use the online functionality as known of MicroSky v2

* Search Object:

- Additional feature to search objects with search-text and get a list of results to choose an object to center

* Further improvements

- faster drawing
- toggle to fullscreen mode
- a nice running hour glass if MicroSky is busy with internet-request in MicroSky-Chart
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Supported operating systems: Java ME, Java Nokia 240x320, Java SE 240x320
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