Type a word into the search bar and get Romanian-English translation of the word. You can also search in other translation dictionaries available on our website. If the search produces too many translations, you can use our filters to optimize the search process. Filters help you to select only the appropriate translation options
Cell Phone (Mobile Phone), electronic software travel dictionary to translate English to Romanian displaying a list of translated words. The Romanian English dictionary translates from Romanian to English. Copying a word from the translated list for a reverse translation can be used to find synonyms and to understand the broader use of the Romanian word in the English language. Although the English Romanian dictionary does not provide definitions or examples, the use of the translation software in this way provides you with a mechanism to better understand Romanian words in the English context without the need for definitions
Perfect English-Romanian and Romanian-English dictionary * fully offline = you don't pay for internet connection * shows translations as you type * touch screen, qwerty and keyboard supported * compatible with all screen sizes 100x100, 128x128, 128x160, 176x208, 176x220, 240x320 ... * database of thousands of words within a minimum space * 5 font sizes available
Apertium TinyLex is an open-source J2ME (Java 2 Micro Edition) program that can be used to translate words. The program is currently available for mobile devices supporting MIDP 2.0 and there is a version for almost all language pairs in Apertium
Type a word into the search bar and get English-Romanian translation of the word. You can also search in other translation dictionaries available on our website. If the search produces too many translations, you can use our filters to optimize the search process. Filters help you to select only the appropriate translation options
Romanian - English / English - Romanian dictionary.· over 10.000 key-words in each variant of translation;· automatic suggestions for each searched word (5 similar words);· intuitive interface easy to use;· fast search;· menu languages are Romanian and English
Apertium TinyLex is an open-source J2ME (Java 2 Micro Edition) program that can be used to translate words. The program is currently available for mobile devices supporting MIDP 2.0 and there is a version for almost all language pairs in Apertium
Contains 13 most popular Swedish dictionaries (total 238603 entries). Slovoed will ideally suit all mobile phones supporting Java and connected to Internet
The English Romanian Online Translator is a tiny and absolutely FREE language software solution. It can be used to translate from English to Romanian and from Romanian to English using the internet connection on your device. Running on cell phones (mobile phone) and mobile devices compatible with the J2ME specifications CLDP 1.0 and MIDP 2.0 or later including Blackberry, Palm, Windows Mobile (PocketPC and Smartphone), Android and games consoles (PSP Nintendo DS) installed with a compatiable JVM and linked to the internet via a wireless connection
FREE dictionary that contains over 10.000 key-words in each variant of translation. Autosugestions for each searched word (5 similary words). Menu languages are ROMANIAN and ENGLISH. Fast and easy!