MSDict Oxford Beginner's Japanese Dictionary (Android)- This is a compact, easy to use, and completely up to date, a Japanese-English-Japanese Dictionary with over 10,000 words and over 14,000 translations, specially designed for English-speaking beginners learning Japanese or quick reference in both languages.
JISHOP will be very useful for anyone who studies Japanese or translates from Japanese.
JISHOP is a Japanese/English kanji and compound word dictionary. Its database contains information about 4800 kanji and 34000 words. JISHOP employs an original, element-based kanji search system.
In version 1
English Talking SlovoEd Compact English-Japanese & Japanese-English dictionary for Android- is a bilingual dictionary for Android containing the high-quality lexical databases from the world most famous publishers
Oxford Beginner's Japanese Dictionary for Android- Your essential companion to learning Japanese. Offering a comprehensive look at both languages, the Oxford Beginner’s Japanese Dictionary includes English-Japanese and Japanese-English dictionaries with about 10,000 words