File Dialog Changer -This is one of those little utilities that hardly takes up any space on your Pocket PC but which makes life a lot easier: the program replaces the "Save As..." dialog box in applications and provides a decidely more complete interface with more ergonomic navigation. It's the type of program that shows Microsoft how it should be done
UI Tweaker - collection of 4 utilities used to customise the outlook and color scheme of the Pocket PC. This collection includes a simple theme manager and utilities to change the system colors as well as the Today color scheme. It includes PT Explorer, TdyScheme Changer, WM5Color Changer and SysColor Changer. Usage Notes:
- Click on a module to view its short description
TdyScheme Changer is a Pocket PC application to change the today scheme colors. It is also able to change the color of the taskbar and soft keys for Windows Mobile 5.0. It is also possible to remove the gradient effect of the bars and set the colors to black. Usage Notes
1. Please note that this program is not suitable for landscape modes or square screens.
dciNoBar -The program is designed to hide the menu bar on the Today screen Pocket PCs with ARM processor and the opera - ness system PPC2002 or older.
The program has no settings, latent or apparent.
To install it, copy it to any folder of your device
Despite the name, MortButtons is NOT a tool to assign applications to buttons, like BtnPlus, VITO ButtonMapper, PowerButton, and similar tools.
Instead, it allows to create multiple small menus, which can be used with just one button
iPhoneToday emulates the iPhone interface on Windows Mobile.
· Multiples screens (With animates transactions)
· Notification on icons for calls, sms, etc
· Is a Today (No problems when we push the home button, no problems with incoming calls, ..